Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Deltenre Chantal, The House of Soul

Coverage on website Maelstrom editions

Shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the game of dominoes which prevailed in Eastern dictatorships, we heard here that Ceausescu's fate reserved to the villages of his country: it was for all sorts of reasons raze them: Madness "Conducator? real estate speculation? ... Anyway, French and Belgian municipalities (and maybe others, I do not know) adopted villages to save them from demolition. In the aftermath, citizens put up convoys which carried to the villages of school materials, medicine, clothing, food ... for the people. They called this momentum " Operation Romanian villages. The organization still exists and continues to implement actions of reconciliation between our countries now united in the European Union.
In one such village that takes us Chantal Deltenre in his novel, which recently received the "Prix Rossel youth." Claire, the narrator, is a Parisian journalist who has knocked about a lot in Africa to cover conflicts. It is not returned unharmed ... One day, shortly after the regime fell, she received the visit of a Romanian ethnologist who wants to take her to Snagov, a village that has not escaped the madness the dictator. After refusing the invitation, it will eventually accompany the young man but one, filed after the village disappear. The village lays on the edge of a lake is home to numerous villas of the former dignitaries of the regime is in the middle of the lake lies the tomb of Vlad Tepes, the son of Vlad Dracul:
"In the peaceful scenery and almost collected of this lost island in the middle of Snagov, horror was suddenly palpable. At all times, she was there: the Snagov had never stopped seeing vampires and scroll vampirisation. "(P. 94)

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