Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jprofiler Win License

Musset, a teenager today?

I was alone the other night at the French Theatre,
or almost alone, the author had no great success. It was only
Molière [...] I listened
yet this simple harmony,
And as common sense is genius speak.
I admired what love for the harsh truth
Had this man so proud in his naivete,
What a great and true knowledge of things of this world,
What male gaiety, so sad and deep
That when just laugh about it, one should weep! Thus

Musset wrote in an evening and lost yesterday at the Park Theatre, I thought that both - and Molière Musset - they had much in common.
Musset brothers children, Carnavalet [Portrait of Paul and Alfred de Musset Dufaut painted in 1815]: [press photography] / [Agence Rol]
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France

At fifteen I learned Lake by heart, before the profound disappointment of discovering that Lamartine, far from rushing into the Lake of Bourget after the death of Elvira, died very old, destitute, having buried his wife and children. And I liked Musset: at least, he was a true romantic ... I loved the heightened feelings: I preferred May Night than December and Willow to Venice ... But they, Lamartine and the pelican who opened the door of poetry with them is made.
And then, time has passed: Musset, I read it (especially the theater, moreover, that I always saw him play with happiness) I taught (my students love playing Perdican, Camille or Rosetta), I returned in every sense of the analysis more or less convincing fashion by methodological point, the point that I do not always pay attention to what the author told me yesterday ...
, so I was at the theater: The vagaries of Marianne first: we know the story: Marianne, wife of a greybeard, is loved by Coelio a melancholy young man, Octave, libertine cousin's husband, serves as an intermediary: Marianne prefers Octavius, husband kills Coelio!
picture on the site of the Theatre Royal Park

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