Friday, November 12, 2010

A Word That Has B O Q N S P E And E

Tag (Tic Tac Toc), authors and blogolecteurs

15 authors and then tag 15 blogolecteurs nurse
I continue to demand vowel and consonant , the chain started by others .. . Two days
reflection in response to an invitation ... I can never answer these questions: books would you take to a desert island, your favorite authors ... : It changes daily, depending on weather, mood, memories, ... And
hesitation, which playwrights choose the ones I worked a scene? Philosophers Voltaire and Diderot (no Rousseau, not him) ...
And then (I am ashamed to admit ... but anyway), what image it will he give me?
Well, I decided to choose very, very tentative, I will classify (at least at first) chronological order of discovery:
  1. Countess de Segur : my first novel writer, one who gave me the love of reading, especially The Inn of the Guardian Angel and General Dourakine (love stories, I always liked that)
  2. Alexandre Dumas (père) : Love Always: Monte Cristo this time!
  3. Emile Verhaeren : poems studied in school, which I appreciated much later poetry, especially today: "Here's the wind, wild wind of November ... "
  4. Marie Gevers : for all texts but particularly Goodness meteors , read with the approach of winter waiting for spring
  5. Boris Vian : songs, poems (yellow Waltz) , days The Surf, The Rise of an Empire : the first modern play I ever saw, teen
  6. Fedor Dostoevsky : I read The Brothers Karamazov to 17 years: shock unforgettable!
  7. Marcel Proust: I have long resisted and then, I have been obliged to spend. A experience that marks you. Without doubt, getting back to what I said earlier, that I'll take on a desert island.
  8. Colette : his articles, short texts more than his novels.
  9. Umberto Eco for Name of the Rose, Lector in Fabula, and hairpieces Pastiches ...
  10. Michel de Ghelderode : for all that he wrote (not necessarily his ideas)!
  11. Leonardo Sciascia : a unique look at Italian politics in post-war Candido (a small memory certificate Italian) , Sea of wine color, The Inquisitor ...
  12. Molière for all but especially for Dom Juan
  13. Xavier Hanotte : because I am very sensitive to what he writes and it's very "Belgian", I mean very consistent with a climate, a way of being ... that are ours.
  14. Agatha Christie: because I like the police and mind games (another discovery child)
  15. Iain Pears: The Circle because of the cross is a novel total. And I would add
still quite a few others (Boyden, Erdrich, Anouilh, Ellroy, Racine, Baudelaire, Chekhov, Cocteau, Giono, Roth, Bayard ...) but also because his plays Feydeau sparkle and the holidays approaching (we hung the Christmas lights in my neighborhood).
I want to pass the baton to:
A jumps and gambols , books and I , My hat , Lireelire (to Josie and her students!) About books, Small and readings friends (Constance 93)


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