Monday, November 1, 2010

Igre Saskesakura Inaruto

unjustly neglected novelist

In the November 2010 issue Read , Vincent Leo Perutz Delecroix wants out of purgatory and he's right.
His misfortune, as he recalls, was to have been the fellow, almost contemporary and colleague of a famous Prague residents who attracted all the glory to him, Kafka. But also for addressing issues from the perspective of the metaphysical picaresque tale, historical novel, the story, which you will agree is not very serious! In the foreword of Judas Leonardo , JPSicre wrote:
Another source of misunderstanding: the role that history plays in many of his novels [...]. For the French, the historical novel is a genre in which the seductive, in all cases, are unworthy of a facility: whether it is to claim the past as a pure decor including exotic enough to be himself (Hugo, Dumas and colleagues of the past century) is that we seek to disguise the serious story told under the guise of attractive ' a novelistic convention (which would be rather the fashion of our sad end of a century). Some difficulty that we are given, Perutz's works do not fall into one or the other of these categories. It is also not so much novels "historical" novels that use history as a weapon surreptitiously perverted: the sole purpose of ending, it seems, with the dictatorship of the time. And what else did the great novelists of the Europe Central, Schnitzler and Kafka to Roth, Broch and Perutz, if not escape the illusions of this false reassuring if taken over time to achieve enough distance to see - see and do - the secret horror? (Coll. 10/18, pp.11, 12).
I discovered the novelist by chance and if I remember correctly, on the recommendation of the owner of the bookstore Molière in Charleroi - place that I would strongly recommend to fans! Some books I've read Perutz, if the FNAC is still in its catalog, I am afraid that apart The Swedish Cavalier Judas and The Da , published in Phoebus it fault rather turn to libraries.
So The Swedish Cavalier I read it first and I was so pleased that I chose to make a teaching file as part of the publication of a compendium for teachers of French, for obscure reasons of copyright, the collection has never been released ... finally (but I can connect the plug to interested colleagues).
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