Thursday, November 13, 2008

Softball Ball Clipart

Buzz Cassoulet Canal +

A banner displayed during the evening results in the presidential election, the "Petit Journal" on Canal +, Times Square has toured the U.S. TVs and internet .

On November 4th, election night in the U.S. presidential Times Square, the most emblematic places in New York has hosted not one but two stars Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate who became the first Black president of the United States ... and the cassoulet!

Incredible as it may seem, the specialty of our Great South broke into television on the major U.S. networks and has generated incredible buzz on the internet after a huge banner on which was inscribed "Cassoulet "has been deployed in the middle of a packed crowd of thousands of cheering Americans celebrating Obama's victory. This unusual story at the heart of great history, it owes to the revelers of the "Petit Journal People "Yann Barthes, humorous sequence of" Grand Journal of Canal Plus.

parties in New York to cover the final days before D-Day, members of the Petit Journal had decided to get noticed in breaking into the field of cameras installed by American TV channels, all of which were installed trays at the heart of Manhattan.


Cassoulet? What is it ? wonder viewers. One of them, Ruby, connects to the web site for sharing info Yahoo Answers. "Why? Who / what is this cassoulet? (Why? What's that cassoulet?). Within minutes, the response arrives. The cassoulet is a French specialty, and the banner is a joke from the French TV. The mystery of the "cassoulet for ever" is resolved.

But the story does not end there and the joke of Canal + has entered history. Since November 5, in the English version of Wikipedia , the page devoted to the fetish flat Castelnaudary was decorated with a paragraph on this episode and "unexpected glory" of cassoulet.

To check this buzz on the net, it suffices to refer to Google Trends, with which one can perceive that the search word on Google is a box.



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