Thursday, November 27, 2008

Scabs On My Nostrils What's Good To Cure

Origin Logo Chrome

Here's how the inspiration came from designers who have created Google Chrome logo.

Inspiration Windows Vista

Other inspirations

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Natural Oestrogen Cream

Road safety TFL Cluedo

You all remember the campaign of prevention on the part of TFL (Transport for London) in which we saw a bear make Moon Walk.

TFL has yet created an innovative video "who killed Lord Smith?" and of finding the culprit. A remake of the classic game Clue.

Will you be as careful as an inspector on every detail?

I am 100% sure you will also fall into the trap, take the quiz ...

Campaign Site:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cokies Para Mega Upload

Barometer search engines: October 2008 version

is the barometer Xiti October 2008 indicating the units market of different search engines.


- For the first time in 6 months,
Google loses market share with a slight decline of 0.19 percentage points in September to reach 91.02%.

- Competitors Google also lose market share. Yahoo lost 0.10 points to 2.59%. Similarly for Live Search 2.11% (-0.05 points), AOL 1.41% (-0.02 points) and Orange 1.19% (-0.05 points).

- These reductions benefit other engines such as Free , Alice , Ask and Altavista earning 0.41 points of market share


Friday, November 21, 2008

Loss Of The Cervical Lordosis Means

Obama Adidas

No I assure you, there was no partnership between Obama and Adidas but this is a spot made by a visitor happy with the victory of its leader election presidential.

He made this spot inspired ads Adidas "Impossible is nothing". So he tells the story of Barack Obama's youth until his accession to the White House.

The music for this spot, performed by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole , is really beautiful.

PS: Here we see a new form of brand advertising because now it is the users who create their own spot. So it's a nice free publicity stunt for Adidas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Write The Commercial Offer Letter

The real price of gasoline

Here is a very good guerrilla marketing campaign from a political group composed of former Iraq veterans. This group is called the IVAW and denounces oil operations from the U.S. in Iraq.

Conduct of Operation

7 members of the group placed 4,171 small plastic soldiers on the ground of a gas station. A sign stating " The price of gasoline: 4171 U.S. SOLDIERS " was established to raise awareness of the link between American the dead GIs and oil.

Here's the video of the operation:

Ps: Operation original and easily understood, but conducted in a single gas station, I doubt the impact of operation in the American mentality.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Imitaciones Tory Burch

Google detect influenza in the U.S.

Making use of user queries on its own search engine, Google has developed a new tool called Google Flu Trends .

This tool can track the progress of the flu virus in real time in the USA.
No magic, no specific algorithm, Google is simply requests users typing their symptoms on the search engine.

This detection has allowed Google to anticipate two weeks, compared with the U.S. government, the flu virus in some regions.

The stakes are high because the flu kills over 36,000 people per year in the USA. It is

there .

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Softball Ball Clipart

Buzz Cassoulet Canal +

A banner displayed during the evening results in the presidential election, the "Petit Journal" on Canal +, Times Square has toured the U.S. TVs and internet .

On November 4th, election night in the U.S. presidential Times Square, the most emblematic places in New York has hosted not one but two stars Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate who became the first Black president of the United States ... and the cassoulet!

Incredible as it may seem, the specialty of our Great South broke into television on the major U.S. networks and has generated incredible buzz on the internet after a huge banner on which was inscribed "Cassoulet "has been deployed in the middle of a packed crowd of thousands of cheering Americans celebrating Obama's victory. This unusual story at the heart of great history, it owes to the revelers of the "Petit Journal People "Yann Barthes, humorous sequence of" Grand Journal of Canal Plus.

parties in New York to cover the final days before D-Day, members of the Petit Journal had decided to get noticed in breaking into the field of cameras installed by American TV channels, all of which were installed trays at the heart of Manhattan.


Cassoulet? What is it ? wonder viewers. One of them, Ruby, connects to the web site for sharing info Yahoo Answers. "Why? Who / what is this cassoulet? (Why? What's that cassoulet?). Within minutes, the response arrives. The cassoulet is a French specialty, and the banner is a joke from the French TV. The mystery of the "cassoulet for ever" is resolved.

But the story does not end there and the joke of Canal + has entered history. Since November 5, in the English version of Wikipedia , the page devoted to the fetish flat Castelnaudary was decorated with a paragraph on this episode and "unexpected glory" of cassoulet.

To check this buzz on the net, it suffices to refer to Google Trends, with which one can perceive that the search word on Google is a box.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cervical Strength Deodorant

Mc Donald sneak attack Tokyo

McDonalds discreetly infiltrate the streets of Tokyo with the opening of two new restaurants that have the distinction of not imitate others.

They thus broke with the visual image of McDonalds: no logos, use Other colors, reduced menu card ...

So here's how it looks:

PS : It strongly resembles a Sushi Shop


Friday, November 7, 2008

Online Tech Deck Creator

Obama Headlines ...

... and it does not go unnoticed!

because a site has oreder the 700 front pages of newspapers internationals after the victory of Obama.

is pretty impressive.

It happens by there .

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Benefits Of A Turbo Prop Plane

Browsers barometer: Barometer September 2008

Here Xiti barometer of September 2008 indicating the market shares of different Internet browsers.


- Launched September 2, 2008, Google Chrome has already took the 5th place with 1.07% browser market share.
- The arrival of Google Chrome hit particularly Mozilla.
- Since April 2008, Internet Explorer has lost 4.3 points of market share.
- Opera rose 1.2 points over the last 6 months.
- Safari finding remains at 2.4% market share.


Driver Magic Gate Seven

search engines: September 2008

Here Xiti barometer of September 2008 indicating the market shares of different search engines.


- Compared to September 2007 Google has increased by one point its market share (91.21% of visits in September 2008 vs. 90.23% in September 2007).

- AOL is the only competitor to increase its market share compared to September 2007 (+0.85 points).

- Decline to Yahoo (-0.51 points), Orange (-0.48 points) and Live Search (-0.14 points).
