Friday, August 29, 2008

English Translation Modern Warfare 2

Testimony of Dr. Aude Joncquiert Latarjet
read by Pierric of Aubarède at Mass in memory of Hugh, 28 August in St Genis Laval :

Hugh, his youthful spirit, his generosity, his enthusiasm we already sorely lacking.

Hughes, met on flanks of Everest in 2003, along with mine, was one of those lovely encounters unexpected consequence of the gathering of several individuals reaching for one goal: to climb the highest mountain in the world.

Neutral and caring, making its merry way on the Ice Fall, whistling a ditty, while others desperately tried their breath in the rarefied air, Hughes was a sort of alien among us. Senior glaciers were his garden. He walked with natural ease in the "abode of gods."
Independent, hermetic atmosphere in the shipment, It surrounds us, especially we "youth" of his selfless affection.
It was our shot in the arm by his healthy approach to the Himalayas.
Impartial, magnanimous and tolerant, he showed his empathy for all members of the expedition and listened carefully to our concerns.
We will consult it as one consults a sage.

Hughes was also a detachment and humor in every situation. He was a gentleman of the mountain. " Elegance of mind reminded me of the first conquerors of the Himalayan peaks, driven by noble joint projects with the real climbers.

My memories fun of his "wet socks" at 8000 m, which had prevented him climb Everest on his first attempt and her alcohol verbena distilled by him which he distributed to the base camp.
Brice, member of the expedition, gently mocked him by naming him "senile old" nickname that was much gratified laugh Hughes who in turn qualifying the same vein.
Hughes was not a "grandfather" naturally gifted for high altitude, it showed innate ability to acclimatization to hypoxia and stress induced by extreme environments.
Hugh was, from my point of view, a great Himalayan.
In Chamonix, Mine and Hugues we received as guests in remembrance of Everest and listened with admiration to his stories shipment. Facing Mont Blanc, we shared our dreams of climbing and travel. We had fun in his collection of paintings carved with humor he exhibited for their kitsch appearance.
I also remember his wonderful library of books mountain, demonstrating a sincere passion for the mountains.

Hugues launched to attack these mythical heights by personal challenge. His approach, sincere, was admired at home. Not an ounce of mediocrity or not tarnished her beautiful vanity projects. Only had the satisfaction to measure the Himalayan giants.

Its success on Everest the year following our joint expedition, and his attempts to climb K2, whose stories left us gasping, we also fascinated and worried us because we knew the reputation of this deadly Himalayan monster.
Hughes knew the risks and skirted by his experience and sporting qualities.

Hughes has continued to the end his dream. By climbing the legendary K2, he accomplished his personal legend. "Well done Hugh for your top! You have so desired. Heck, as it must be beautiful, the view up there. I see you down the slope, filled with joy at the thought of celebrating your success. "By learning

his disappearance, I had the sense, anachronistic, call Hugh on his mobile and ask him if he was really on the slopes of K2. I asked him ... remind me that the newspapers were wrong ...
Hugh is gone and will not respond Never in my vain message.

The mountain was his passion but his obsession was his family and the happiness of his people.
We often talked about you and pride for professional and personal success.

We are very sad and wish you courage. I think of Hugh whenever I join a top big or small.
Hughes will be our "badge" of the Himalayas forever.

"Adieu Hughes. Rest in peace in the Himalayan abode of the gods "


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