Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Berline Wood Fingerboard

Click image for more visibility : Below are some words that reflect all the emotion that Oliver F. shares with his touring band, her bridge groups and mine naturally.
" Nature deprives us of our true friend.
She wove the web leading to the discovery of the qualities of an exceptional man.
She placed Hughes at the top where we look fondly. She constantly refers
echoed a voice whispering love and freedom are words that look like him.
It is the lush beauty that underlines and strengthens the friendship between us.
nature, very expensive Hughes gives us memories our faithful friend ".
Olivier F.
" I will keep you, carefully, Hugh, memories of joyful companion and attentive to our small chamoniardes.Toi ballads, the independent , friendly and sociable, but you'd head over our small clouds Your friends from below embrace you tenderly. "
Stephen G.
This summit is no return ticket to adventure in it.
By trying to approach too close to the sky, it seems ready to keep you
Lawrence M.


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