Friday, August 29, 2008

English Translation Modern Warfare 2

Testimony of Dr. Aude Joncquiert Latarjet
read by Pierric of Aubarède at Mass in memory of Hugh, 28 August in St Genis Laval :

Hugh, his youthful spirit, his generosity, his enthusiasm we already sorely lacking.

Hughes, met on flanks of Everest in 2003, along with mine, was one of those lovely encounters unexpected consequence of the gathering of several individuals reaching for one goal: to climb the highest mountain in the world.

Neutral and caring, making its merry way on the Ice Fall, whistling a ditty, while others desperately tried their breath in the rarefied air, Hughes was a sort of alien among us. Senior glaciers were his garden. He walked with natural ease in the "abode of gods."
Independent, hermetic atmosphere in the shipment, It surrounds us, especially we "youth" of his selfless affection.
It was our shot in the arm by his healthy approach to the Himalayas.
Impartial, magnanimous and tolerant, he showed his empathy for all members of the expedition and listened carefully to our concerns.
We will consult it as one consults a sage.

Hughes was also a detachment and humor in every situation. He was a gentleman of the mountain. " Elegance of mind reminded me of the first conquerors of the Himalayan peaks, driven by noble joint projects with the real climbers.

My memories fun of his "wet socks" at 8000 m, which had prevented him climb Everest on his first attempt and her alcohol verbena distilled by him which he distributed to the base camp.
Brice, member of the expedition, gently mocked him by naming him "senile old" nickname that was much gratified laugh Hughes who in turn qualifying the same vein.
Hughes was not a "grandfather" naturally gifted for high altitude, it showed innate ability to acclimatization to hypoxia and stress induced by extreme environments.
Hugh was, from my point of view, a great Himalayan.
In Chamonix, Mine and Hugues we received as guests in remembrance of Everest and listened with admiration to his stories shipment. Facing Mont Blanc, we shared our dreams of climbing and travel. We had fun in his collection of paintings carved with humor he exhibited for their kitsch appearance.
I also remember his wonderful library of books mountain, demonstrating a sincere passion for the mountains.

Hugues launched to attack these mythical heights by personal challenge. His approach, sincere, was admired at home. Not an ounce of mediocrity or not tarnished her beautiful vanity projects. Only had the satisfaction to measure the Himalayan giants.

Its success on Everest the year following our joint expedition, and his attempts to climb K2, whose stories left us gasping, we also fascinated and worried us because we knew the reputation of this deadly Himalayan monster.
Hughes knew the risks and skirted by his experience and sporting qualities.

Hughes has continued to the end his dream. By climbing the legendary K2, he accomplished his personal legend. "Well done Hugh for your top! You have so desired. Heck, as it must be beautiful, the view up there. I see you down the slope, filled with joy at the thought of celebrating your success. "By learning

his disappearance, I had the sense, anachronistic, call Hugh on his mobile and ask him if he was really on the slopes of K2. I asked him ... remind me that the newspapers were wrong ...
Hugh is gone and will not respond Never in my vain message.

The mountain was his passion but his obsession was his family and the happiness of his people.
We often talked about you and pride for professional and personal success.

We are very sad and wish you courage. I think of Hugh whenever I join a top big or small.
Hughes will be our "badge" of the Himalayas forever.

"Adieu Hughes. Rest in peace in the Himalayan abode of the gods "

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Berline Wood Fingerboard

Click image for more visibility : Below are some words that reflect all the emotion that Oliver F. shares with his touring band, her bridge groups and mine naturally.
" Nature deprives us of our true friend.
She wove the web leading to the discovery of the qualities of an exceptional man.
She placed Hughes at the top where we look fondly. She constantly refers
echoed a voice whispering love and freedom are words that look like him.
It is the lush beauty that underlines and strengthens the friendship between us.
nature, very expensive Hughes gives us memories our faithful friend ".
Olivier F.
" I will keep you, carefully, Hugh, memories of joyful companion and attentive to our small chamoniardes.Toi ballads, the independent , friendly and sociable, but you'd head over our small clouds Your friends from below embrace you tenderly. "
Stephen G.
This summit is no return ticket to adventure in it.
By trying to approach too close to the sky, it seems ready to keep you
Lawrence M.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Moisturizer For Rosacea

This very moving photo of Hugues, Karim, Gerard, Wilco and Marco arrival at
8611 m at 19pm on 1 August 2008, was taken by the Dutch van de CAS Gevels (witness the death of Hugh in the bottleneck). The faces are not very sharp, but you can recognize Hugues its equipment and boots. This is a photo fatal, Wilco and Marco survive alone ........

EVENT: "When I get there myself at the top (about 19pm) Hughes is still there. We kiss and talk a little. I give him a compliment that` at his age he reaches the summit of K2. It is clear and reacts normally. It moves without oxygen at the top of the mountain. Hughes is delighted and is in good condition physics. Its bearer Karim said no more because he is very tired ......... Shortly after Hughes leaves. I do not know he `s wearing a bottle of oxygen. .........................
Myself and my team you support in order to overcome this loss. However, you can be proud that Hughes was able to realize his dream of climbing K2. A tremendous success.
Hughes was a great guy. J 'had a lot of respect for him. He had the courage at his age to climb this mountain, K2, and he succeeded. Everyone had great respect for him at base camp.
Case van Gevels, Base Camp Netherlands Norit K2 expedition

Marco Confortola called Mr. Ugo (Italian) and had great respect and friendship for him. They had shared a long wait at base camp ..... in these situations create strong links ........" (Donatella, her webmaster)

Message Yan Giezendanner :
Hugh granted me trust out of bounds from Everest, he chose to climb K2 in the full awareness of the risks of high altitude. His fitness gave him the courage to tackle this legendary mountain. His lucid confidence brought him very often to his own. He died a free man, a man of destiny to the character of granite ... I loved you well friend. Yan.

(Yan Giezendanner: weather router. Forecaster Meteo-France).

Monday, August 18, 2008

Best Camera For Traveling Abroad

This photo taken by Nick Rice is the last picture in the bottleneck of climbers at 11am on 1er/08. (click on photo to enlarge).
The video below shows an approach to the bottleneck on K2.
It was taken by K. Unterkircher (disappeared on Nanga Parbat on 15/07/2008) during an expedition in 2004 to mark the 50th anniversary of the first ascent of the mountain by the Wild ' Italian team in 1954 with Lino Lacedelli, Achilles and Walter Bonatti Compagnni.
h ttp: / /
K2 is also called the "Killer Mountain" because than five people arriving at the top, will not survive the descent. It is a very steep mountain with many technical sections, the ice falls and avalanches. Moreover, it is very isolated, seven days' walk from the nearest village.
Some statistics: According to the latest figures, between 1954 and 2007, 284 people have set foot on the summit of K2 and 66 others lost their lives trying to reach. Everest, during the same period, 3681 people attended the summit and 210 are morts.Avec these eleven dead, if we count the "inevitability" of K2 is five times higher than Everest.

As in the Italian conquest of K2 in 1954, very controversial, everything was played on July 31.
On Thursday 31/07/2008, a score of "summiters" are ready to conquer the second highest mountain on earth: the K2 (8611 meters). Hugh, the Serbs, Koreans, Americans, Spaniards, Dutch and Norwegians have been preparing for weeks, champing at the bit to the base camp three thousand feet below. The weather window is narrow, five, six days, no more. It is especially rare in this season when the monsoon settles on the Himalayan peaks. Everyone knows it's been a month they wait.

The day after his arrival at base camp, June 18, Hughes and his climbing partner American Nick Rice, 23, are offered by an association Wilco Van Rooijen, Dutch, 42 years.
At base camp there are five expeditions, whose experience led Norit Wilko composed of five Dutch, one Australian, an Irishman and a Nepalese sherpa (Pemba). proposing to take the path of Hughes Cesen to be more likely to equip it, this route is more direct so much steeper than the Abruzzi, but more protected.
The experience of Wilko has already equipped 7,100 meters up the road while Abruzzo is still a virgin.
the two routes converge to 7900 meters on the shoulder to start the last part, called the "bottle neck" or bottleneck to the summit. Even if the bottleneck is impressive by the serac which dominates and its steep narrow part of a hundred meters of overhanging ice and snow, it is not the "heart" of the climb the slopes to the C2 is much more difficult and technical. This neck looks like an hourglass, broad at its base and opening again at the top by a huge serac called: the balcony.

The K2 is both physically demanding and technically difficult.

To overcome the Himalayan peaks, there are no two ways: the equipment walls and acclimatization of climbers is essential to linking back and forth, from camp to camp, such as bearings for divers.
On K2, four camps before the summit as you have seen in all previous accounts.
To set up the tents, food, sleeping bags and ropes, climbers can count on HAP (High Altitude Porters), Pakistani and Nepalese Sherpa guides. Each expedition uses two or three. Hughes was accompanied with 2 carriers: Karim and Beig.
After two weeks of bad weather, the weather forecast promises a niche of 31 July to 2 August at least. Five days before the final assault, Saturday, July 26, a large meeting brings everyone together at base camp. In all, twenty-six climbers plan to take the Abruzzi, eleven climbers the Cesen. Koreans, Americans and Serbs are too numerous to mount the same day and therefore provide two rotations.

Hugh penultimate left, then right, and the third left behind after the meeting

This meeting allows for a roadmap and distribution of materials that each shipment was to climb to Camp 4. A leading group, headed by Sherpas and 2 Pakistani Koreans must leave the camp 23.30 for 4 to install the fixed ropes on the route from the summit, before the start of the Himalayas two hours later. arrange Expedition leaders: in the last part, everyone must ensure the equipment part of the last section, very steep and very dangerous .

The "bottleneck" is a slope of 200 meters long, while ice at 60 degrees. A real slide in the death zone above eight thousand meters.

Rise of four camps to the shoulder, is about 8000 m, is going very well despite the extreme fatigue they feel on these very steep slopes, lack of oxygen, etc., and July 31 in the evening, clear skies is to rendezvous with little wind, less than twenty degrees. Hughes is pleased to have arrived on the shoulder, he feels very fit and very confident for the "final assault" for "his" K2 with the help of Karim and Beig.

From the barrier of 8000 meters, you should know that no one can truthfully say that he told the whole truth. The lack of oxygen, sleep and impair efforts singularly lucidity. The following story is just maybe not the exact truth, especially since the protagonists have not yet made a definitive statement of the facts.
The "deal" signed between expeditions is simple: the Dutch bring the four hundred meters thick ropes required to fit the neck, the Italians and Serbs two hundred meters to ensure the crossing under the crevasses, just after the neck Americans a thinner rope to connect the flags used to mark the path, flags hoisted by the Koreans. ( photo below).

First error: string poorly posed (by the carriers):
They are therefore twenty climbers rush to the heart of the night, on August 1. the leading group left Camp IV at midnight, the Himalayas depart between 2:30 and 4 o'clock;

A Korean seems to insist on the management of the fixed rope earlier than expected this simple decision means that when the climbers reached the bottom of the slope of the bottleneck, there is no longer enough strings. Team Wilco perceiving The Koreans have set the strings before what was expected, because unequip then reposition above, the climbers are waiting under a huge serac suspended, impatient, and are therefore long overdue.

An American of 35 years, Eric Meyer, is still at the foot of the gangway at 7am, he says: "It was three hours later than expected ......... the leading group progressed very slowly, with many climbers very close to each other. The sun has arrived on the serac: 100 meters of ice overhanging very fractured .......... "He prefers down with two other Americans.

Nick Rice, who has been delayed because of a wet sock, confirms this error: "When I awoke, I heard Eric, Chris, Fred and Paul (Americans) back their failed attempt to the summit. They handed me a message asking the Dutch over strings. " Apparently, the Sherpas had set up a part before the neck of the bottle (when it was not necessary) and thus had more rope to fix this Technical presentation and passage of the neck. "
Nick Rice disturbed by the incident of his wet socks and because he no longer feels his fingers frozen, turned around and took this last photo of climbers at the foot of the bottleneck on 1 August at 11am, before returning to C4: expanding the picture you will see the climbers behind each other (between the rocks and the serac)

- Second mistake, a carrier has missed a chord length,

Yet most of they continue to climb in retooling the fixed ropes; Wilco says: " Nevertheless, we continued our progress. Of course, it took hours and hours. Some turned back because they had more confidence. "
which Staleman Jelle, a young Dutch climber of 26 years, realizing it will not happen before the summit 8Hpm and has cold feet, took the decision to back down, and 4 Americans. They are too numerous to take the same route.
In the rise of the neck, Dren Mandic Serbian stands fixed ropes to change her oxygen tank. He picks up and drops screaming. There is a debate on whether to try to recover Mandic's body. 2 Serbs and their carrier Hussein waive up and decide to descend to Camp 4 the body to find him a proper burial. In the confusion, the holder of Hugh, Jehan Baig, who has symptoms of AMS (acute mountain sickness), tries to help, too picks of the wall without making a gesture to stop his fall, and switches in the south side; it was missing the first 2 ........... Following the death of Beig who was the only one who reached the summit of K2 before, Hughes has only one carrier Karim, and perhaps more than a bottle of oxygen ..... .......

two Norwegians abandon before the summit, the first dried, turned around shortly after the crossing and joined the camp 4 at 20:30. Rolf Bae stops 100 meters below the summit and awaits the return of the fourth Norwegian, Lars Nessa and Cecilie Skog of his wife with whom he was married for a month.

After 16 hours of climbing, instead of 10 or 11 hours, with the help of oxygen to some, two Norwegians, five Koreans and two Nepalese sherpas arrived at their summit H20 to 17, the Irishman Gerard McDonnell to 19 hours Hugh and his Pakistani Karim Meherban carrier at 19.30, followed by two Dutchmen Wilco Van Rooijen and Cas Van de Gevels with their Nepalese Sherpa, Pemba Gyalje and finally, 20 hours, the Italian Marco Confortola: from Table Arrivals (see: table summit finishes ) prepared by the site Xexplorersweb,
(photos below: Gerard, Wilco, and Pemba to the top - Gerard and Pemba - Gerard)

Asked whether it was too late to go to the top, Ashraf Aman, the first Pakistani guide to overcoming the K2 in 1977, has cautiously responded by email:
"Yes, the summit attempt at a late hour can be a factor of fatal accidents on K2. "

Rolf, Cecilie and Lars down first. They join up fixed ropes 15 minutes before dark and engage in the crossing under the base of the big serac.

It is night (- 40 °), around 21 hours, a roar shakes the air. A serac overlooking the mouth of the bottle stands: tons of ice slide down the slope and pull out the strings. They carry with them several climbers: Norwegian Rolf Bae (in front of his wife), the Bhote Sherpa Jumic Pasang Bhote and his colleague who tried to help him. Already five deaths. The trap closes .

Cecilie and Lars were 40 to 50 meters of rope in their bag, they go down by a point obliquely towards the rocky side of the neck left. Another 50 meters of rope without escalation, the 45 ° to 50 ° sometimes ice, then the slope is gentler, with 23H, they are at C4.

Above the icefall, the descent of the last fifteen climbers is very slow, but they are grouped. When night falls, panic sets in, the group explodes.

As recounted Wilco, a few days later on a hospital bed in Skardu, panic takes hold of the small group of survivors
"They had no time to initiate a discussion, they descended at full speed but without knowing where to go, some lost on the wrong path bottleneck, the only thing they had to do was go down quickly because when one goes down, it has more oxygen and thus more likely to survive. "
Wilco reportedly tried to convince them all to stick together and together find a solution, but many have not responded, as if enclosed in their own struggle for survival:
"They thought to use my oxygen, my rope. So, in fact, everyone was fighting for himself and I still do not understand why we left each other. "
At 21 hours, 2 Sherpas Pemba which go forward, they discover that the ropes were swept away, trying to alert the climbers below, without success. They use the rope Norwegians, then désescaladent. The night is calm but very dark, they see headlights above the neck. The fear of the serac grows back quickly they reach Camp 4 at 1:30. Under the serac, are always on the front, probably those of 2 Koreans, Mi Sun Go, former champion ice climbing, and Jae-Soo Kim, head of experience, and CAS before Hugh seems to be short of oxygen. Karim is with him ...................
At the top, Hughes allegedly told the other climbers he was very concerned not to have oxygen, and wanted to get off at any price.
Dutchman Van CAS Gevels before him in the bottleneck is the eyewitness of the fall, then the disappearance of Hugh to 0:00 to 1:00 on August 2 Through radio contact, he immediately called Pemba survivors and mountaineers to climb back Hugh C4, research continued overnight in vain ............
Go Mi Sun, Jae-Soo and CAS will arrive in C4 between 2 and 3am.
Confortola and McDonnell dig a hole in the ice. Like Wilco, they spend the night below the summit, to fight against sleep and freezing.

first camp for Gerard, Marco, Wilco

the first light of dawn, they leave in the neck where they discovered three Koreans Park Kyeong Hyo, and Hyokyeong Kim Dong Jin Hwang, in a tangle of rope on a slope, in a difficult posture, head down, but still conscious prisoners of these ropes, missing a shoe to one of them, Marco him wear a glove high altitude.

McDonnel and Marco Confortola trying in vain to help for 3 hours, Marco tries to leave their bottles of oxygenation and masks to help them breathe, McDonnell began to try to cut the ropes and deliver these strings, Confortola exhausted, continued to descend and lose sight of his companion, who he continues to try to save the Koreans. The Italian fell asleep but was awakened by a second avalanche to twenty yards to his right, a bottle of oxygen that the injured down the slope behind the head when he saw several bodies emerge: that of her boyfriend McDonnel he acknowledges his yellow boots, and those of Koreans. He leaves, stops a little further and fell into unconsciousness.

Shortly after, two Sherpas Koreans, C4 parties to rescue those in difficulty, spot Marco. They continue to warn the neck and Pemba radio dating back to the rescue of Marco: he wakes up, gives him oxygen, and aid to descend; few minutes later, a new serac collapses, the avalanche Block brushes Marco and Pemba which will come later in the C4, unharmed.

"He saved my life, without him I would be dead, said Marco. I refuse to talk about responsibility or the responsibility of other Confortola said. I can only think about what I did and be lucky to be alive, learn from it. I put a lot of time for that. "

Mail Donatella, the webmaster of Marco " Yesterday he told what he has lived: he confirmed he did not see what happened while Hughes fell. Marco was the last happened at the top. He saw Hughes before him while they rode: Hughes was faster than him with oxygen. When Marco arrived at the top already down .... Mark Hughes has understood what really happened only when he arrived at base camp. After the night at 8300 meters, he found the three Koreans who had been dragged by the serac, hanging from ropes. He tried everything to help. Both were perhaps already dead .... three hours after it began to descend in the hope of finding someone who can help up ... while he was descending the avalanche took and overwhelmed ..... Then PEMBA saved his life .......

Photo: Confortola on K2 at 8611 m on 1 August 2008.

On August 3, Marco begins its descent through the Abruzzi Spur, supported by Americans and Pakistanis fighting against cerebral edema and severe frostbite on his feet.
Wilco Van Rooijen, having camped at 8500 m, can barely see. He wakes up and realizes that his vision is seriously compromised, he is suffering from ophthalmia, blinded by the mountain of ice and glare. He wore goggles, but the altitude and fatigue take their toll, he is unable to move, finds no rope, he bivouacked again a second night, sitting in the snow, the weather deteriorating, the situation becomes critical, he also expecting to see hallucinations of climbers above, he calls them, and do not understand why nobody replied! Satélitaire with his phone, he wants to call the CB, he does not remember the number, he sees more and can not view their notebook, so he called his wife immediately notify the CB, he loses again, but finally seen from a distance of a few tents C3 CB, he is seen with binoculars, totally lost wandering on the road Cézens between C4 and C3.

Pemba and CAS (untried by the CB) will save his life down for him the C4 after tracking. Wilco, a second miracle after camp, suffering from severe frostbite to his feet, he must still go down the whole wall is 3000 meters to the glacier. Two days of extra effort for the Dutch who arrived Aug. 4 at the base camp.
Cases and Wilco

Evidence Pemba : "Thinking about her oxygen because it has only 2 bottles, I have repeatedly said to Hugh: 4 bottles ready, it's more safe for you, but he said he hoped it would be sufficient. When he arrived at the summit, he made a call to his family and asked me to take a picture with his camera, then I I made him and took many pictures around himself, he was very happy about the summit. He also requested that I phone my wife, I said no, he insisted, and I told him that we were now going down quickly because we were late, and he said:

OK Pemba, I agree with you, but we have this top! "

After we went down together from top to 8500 m where it was pitch black. Hugh and Karim were behind me and down slowly with the other, there was no distance between each other, when I reached the ravine there was no fixed ropes, it was difficult I too, am trying to get in touch with other climbers, but all communication systems were disrupted, was dangerous to remain under the serac, so I try to descend a fixed rope, then with the string of Norwegians, finally when I reach the safety zone at the bottom of the Bottleneck, I see most of the climbers with their headlamps just above the bottleneck, our communication system was not working.

the morning after the C4, the visibility was very bad in that amount back to Marco I have given oxygen to help him before going down to C4. I have not seen Hugh ... Only CAS witnessed his death, after seeing it in trouble at the top of the bottleneck because it lacked oxygen "...................... ............ Pemba Sherpa Gyalje

survivors can be counted on two hands: one Spaniard, one Italian, two Koreans, two Dutch, one Norwegian and two Nepali Sherpas. This accident was the deadliest since 1986 when the K2 was 12 dead ... very moved by giving you the best possible reasons for the disappearance of Hugh (following the testimonies of survivors helping us understand the sequence that led to such a tragedy), I tell you soon, namely 28 August at 4:30 p.m. in the Church of St Genis Laval for a mass in memory of Hugh.
The 11 Missing

GERARD McDonnell, 37, Irish engineer living in Alaska. He had reached the South Pole and was the first Irishman to reach the summit of K2.

MEHERBAN KARIM , the holder of Hugh, a young Pakistani bearer of the Hunza Valley, died on the way down before the bottleneck.

MANDIC DREN, 32, a Serb member of the Spartak Mountaineering Club in northern Serbia. The first 11 to die when he slipped in excess of another climber.

JEHAN Baig, bearer of Hugh, a young Pakistani Valley Hunza. the second of 11 to die trying to save Dren Mandic.

KIM Hyo-Gyeong , 33, Korean member of the Korean Federation of South Gyeongsang, which sent a team of eight men on the summit of K2 in 2000.

Pasang Bhote , 34, a Nepalese Sherpa, who died trying to save his friend, Jumika Bhote. They came from the same village;

HWANG DONG-JIN , 45, the famous Korean climber who had climbed three 8,000 meters in the Himalayas and who led the Korean team.

ROLF BAE , 33, Norwegian explorer. His wife, the mountaineer, Cecilie Skog, who witnessed his death, survived.

Jumika Bhote, young Pakistani village Hungung.

PARK Kyeong-Hyo , 29, a Korean who had reached the summit of Everest in May 2007.

HUGHES, 61 years down the bottleneck. ..............

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Need To Configer My Netopia Ter/gusb2-n

A Memorial Mass will be celebrated Hugh Thursday, August 28 at 4:30 p.m. by the father Bouzy in the Church of Saint-Genis Laval (69230).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Quoteabout Deborah Sampson

Pemba, Mark, Roeland and Jelle their porters arrived in Islamabad and are currently meeting with Wilco and CAS, the Dutch.

Nick should arrive within 2 or 3 days, injured his ankle (torn ligaments during the trek back).

Monday, August 11, 2008

Has A Dual Strand Pearl Thong Made You Orgasm

"As long as we're talking about you, you are not completely gone!

This thought will help me to make you "live" Hughes for some time through the testimonies of survivors and sherpas climbers, before they give us in the coming days, the latest information on the tragic end of this expedition.

In becoming the 11th French to reach the 8611 meters this monstrous pyramid, which some call him "the mountain of mountains," Hughes enters the history of the Himalayas.

We followed step by step until 8611 m, and have lost about 8400 m in the bottleneck. The K2 has had the better of him and Hughes will remain for eternity on his mountain, the one he had coveted.

We all, a great family around him, still looking in our hearts, s nly time we can help alleviate our grief and to soothe our hearts.

The bottleneck:

All shipments now come down to CB Askole.
CAS WILCO in Islamabad where they are coming to meet with a lot of emotion in Irish Embassy the family of Gerard Mac Donnell died in the avalanche ..

The rest of the group: Jelle, Roeland, Pemba and Mark have not yet arrived. Progress towards Skardu and Islmabad is very slow for political reasons, with numerous police checks. They should arrive in Islamabad tomorrow Tuesday when a meeting is planned with all shipments. "..............
" His final years past so often in high altitude are unlikely passion for mountains and adventure. In retrospect, they seem almost Suréalistes so they were "full". Mr. Nicolas