Thursday, December 21, 2006

Walk Through Wall Cheat For Pokemon Soulsilver

Review of the 8th meeting (20 December)

"... the example of Saint who called you, become saints, even you in all your conduct, as it is written: Be holy because I am holy. " (1st Epistle of St. Peter from 1.15 to 16, who quotes Leviticus 17 , 1)

After a picnic anticipating the joy of Christmas (as it should in the week "Gaudete"), we were fortunate to hear a teaching Brother Romaric, priest of the Dominican Convent in Marseilles . The presentation was very rich and full of humor (or "eutrapelia", to borrow a term used) on the theme of holiness . What it means in the Bible, that it is not his nature, how to receive from God and not to oppose any obstacle, why and "why". Valuable tips have ended this teaching which insisted on including the two basic virtues of humility and charity, as well as personal prayer, participation in the Eucharist "at least" once a week, regular confession and makes telling a "spiritual father", ie a priest who may know us and guide us in our growth towards greater holiness. Romaric big thank you Brother! We try to approach ("it provided for") the many topics that you suggested the deepening ...


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