Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Florida Sample Affidavit

Back on the mission at Aix (Sat, December 9)

It has mobilized some forty people for an afternoon of evangelization around the church "of the Holy Spirit" in Aix-en-Provence. Different teams were devoted to animate a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, to welcome those who entered the church or going out to meet the many pedestrians in the vicinity of the church. The afternoon ended with the parish church (Church crowded) chaired by Father Dominique Petit and hosted by the Emmanuel Community. We then went to the Notre Dame Arc for festive dinner during which we discussed the events of Providence in the afternoon. God be praised!

"... You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit ...
you will be my witnesses .... "
(Acts 1: 7-8).

"The primary mission of evangelization is to indicate in Jesus Christ as the savior of all men. Do you ever confide in him and announcing it as a family and throughout society. C ' is what our contemporaries expect from the Church. " (Benedict XVI, General Audience Wednesday, December 6, 2006)


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