Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hooking Up Salon Sink At Home

Review of the first meeting (Wednesday, 11 October)

We were in total 22 young + Teacher of the evening.
an exceptionally too confined forced us thankfully to quickly get acquainted.
The presentation was very polished given with humor ... A big thank you to Father Xavier Manzano (curate at Aubagne, a professor of philosophy and theology at the ISTR and Seminary in Aix-en-Provence).

few snippets: the difference between animals and humans, the pursuit of happiness and the ability to abstract an immediate report to the realities of the world and thoughtless and unintended responses to stimuli around us because and commitment: 2 capabilities unique to man the desire for "eternal life" written in each of our actions, specifically identifiable in human love, the relationship between divine law and natural law (and positive laws when they are good): many instruments for the attainment of our happiness ... eternal, the need to "choose" to really become what we are; the repetition of human actions and growth in virtue as the ability to do good as usual and with satisfaction. Its opposite: the vice, like inability to refrain from doing evil and resultant dissatisfaction. The grace of God that enables us what we thought was impossible. The finding of death: obstruction (disbelief) or hill (faith) towards authentic happiness? God alone can fill the human heart of what it aspires: to love and be loved by a good person whose life can be without .... end. Prayer as a voluntary relationship with this Being infinitely good.


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