Thursday, October 19, 2006

Best Gay Cruising Areas In Mercer County Nj

balance of the 5th encounter, November 29 (forthcoming ...)

Review of the 4th meeting (15 November)
Thanks to Laurence Dufour and William Little of the testimony of their "conversion" and the reasons for their fidelity to Christ. We then developed the concept of testimony: why (theory) and how (specifically) prepare to testify on grounds of our faith and action of God in our lives: " you must always be prepared to explain to you all those who ask you to account for the hope that is in you "(first letter of St Peter 3:15).

Review of the 3rd meeting (8 November)
Big thank you to Father Remy de Mauvaisin, pastor of La Valentine and Accates, member of the Emmanuel Community, for his teaching of great beauty on the Incarnation, Christ's humanity, and the notion of redemption.

Since you want to continue ... thank you for thinking to complete and bring your Letter of Undertaking (10 euro participation fee for the year and training missions). (To obtain a copy, thank you to contact Father Philip Rochas mail: ).

you soon ...


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