Thursday, October 19, 2006

Best Gay Cruising Areas In Mercer County Nj

balance of the 5th encounter, November 29 (forthcoming ...)

Review of the 4th meeting (15 November)
Thanks to Laurence Dufour and William Little of the testimony of their "conversion" and the reasons for their fidelity to Christ. We then developed the concept of testimony: why (theory) and how (specifically) prepare to testify on grounds of our faith and action of God in our lives: " you must always be prepared to explain to you all those who ask you to account for the hope that is in you "(first letter of St Peter 3:15).

Review of the 3rd meeting (8 November)
Big thank you to Father Remy de Mauvaisin, pastor of La Valentine and Accates, member of the Emmanuel Community, for his teaching of great beauty on the Incarnation, Christ's humanity, and the notion of redemption.

Since you want to continue ... thank you for thinking to complete and bring your Letter of Undertaking (10 euro participation fee for the year and training missions). (To obtain a copy, thank you to contact Father Philip Rochas mail: ).

you soon ...

Steps In Building Commerical Building

Review of the 2nd meeting (18 October)

We were again 22 young people + the speaker of the evening, Father Xavier Manzano. We were still amazed by the clarity of his teaching, which focused on the relationship between Revelation and faith. "
- - - -
believe that ... believe ... believe in ... 3 ways to "believe". They rely increasingly on rational grounds, but the latter is essentially different, because it implies "plus" a voluntary act of trust, and it is entering the reality of its object, it is essentially a "relationship" entered a "communion" with its object (God). When I think "in God," I operate a "movement": I reach and penetrate the reality of what it is, I am introduced by him "in Him" as in a living environment, I am invited by Him to live in living communion with Him, I am invited to a relationship that is love, I participate in "his" vision of reality (wisdom). Nothing to see, then, with a belief only intellectual.

It is necessary to ask the very possibility of speaking of "God", that man is capable by the mere light of reason to arrive at the certainty of its existence as the beginning and end of all things (what the Church says the Vatican Council, 1870).

But a gulf separates the human mind, limited, of the infinite God, if only by the light my reason I know it exists as the beginning and end of everything, I do not know "who" is. why he must be "revealed" in history (Aristotle was unfortunate ...) and must (in my life) I am helped by a gift of divine grace: the virtue of faith , then called "theological" because it has God as the cause. Faith is always a gift of God, a gift that is received as such and not as a personal acquisition.

We must therefore distinguish between
"fides quae" faith in what God has revealed himself [History hello next chapter, on November 1 ...] .
"qua fides" faith as a human act of accession intelligent and voluntary this revelation and to God himself.

These two dimensions of faith involves a pure gift of God:
- in his love, it pleased God to reveal to men ... says the Second Vatican Council.
- the participation of our intelligence and our will is complete: the gift of God's cause and support - but never substitute for - the dimension of intelligence and free reasonable confidence, to "jump" for membership staff, what the act of faith.

The act of "faith" (Christian) someone is always a mysterious reality that escapes us entirely: we can help in a "discretionary" (prepare, in short, the ground ...) but we are never the cause.

That may stimulate both our desire to evangelize ... and our prayer for those for whom we hope this wonderful gift of "faith". the "big gun" of prayer ...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hooking Up Salon Sink At Home

Review of the first meeting (Wednesday, 11 October)

We were in total 22 young + Teacher of the evening.
an exceptionally too confined forced us thankfully to quickly get acquainted.
The presentation was very polished given with humor ... A big thank you to Father Xavier Manzano (curate at Aubagne, a professor of philosophy and theology at the ISTR and Seminary in Aix-en-Provence).

few snippets: the difference between animals and humans, the pursuit of happiness and the ability to abstract an immediate report to the realities of the world and thoughtless and unintended responses to stimuli around us because and commitment: 2 capabilities unique to man the desire for "eternal life" written in each of our actions, specifically identifiable in human love, the relationship between divine law and natural law (and positive laws when they are good): many instruments for the attainment of our happiness ... eternal, the need to "choose" to really become what we are; the repetition of human actions and growth in virtue as the ability to do good as usual and with satisfaction. Its opposite: the vice, like inability to refrain from doing evil and resultant dissatisfaction. The grace of God that enables us what we thought was impossible. The finding of death: obstruction (disbelief) or hill (faith) towards authentic happiness? God alone can fill the human heart of what it aspires: to love and be loved by a good person whose life can be without .... end. Prayer as a voluntary relationship with this Being infinitely good.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Iowa's Smoking Tables And Charts

Fear of God??

"In a way, do not we all fear - if we let Christ enter fully into us, if we open ourselves totally to him - afraid he might take something away a part of our lives? Do we not afraid to give up something big, unique, which makes life so beautiful? Do not we risk finding ourselves Then in fear and deprivation of liberty? And once again the Pope said: No! Whoever brings Christ we lose nothing, nothing - absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great . No! Only in this friendship open wide the doors of life. Only in this friendship is truly revealed the great potential of the human condition. Only in this friendship do we experience what is beautiful and freeing. So today, I would, with great strength and great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, you say, you young people: do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away and He gives everything. When we give ourselves to Him receives a hundredfold. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ - and you will find true life . "


Friday, October 6, 2006

Engravable Crab Mallet

" It is urgent that rises a new generation of apostles anchored firmly in the word of Christ can meet the challenges of our times and prepared to spread the Gospel. That is what the Lord asks you, what the Church invites you, what the world - even without knowing - Expects of you! "

Benedict XVI, Message to the youth of the world, February 22, 2006