Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jprofiler Win License

Musset, a teenager today?

I was alone the other night at the French Theatre,
or almost alone, the author had no great success. It was only
Molière [...] I listened
yet this simple harmony,
And as common sense is genius speak.
I admired what love for the harsh truth
Had this man so proud in his naivete,
What a great and true knowledge of things of this world,
What male gaiety, so sad and deep
That when just laugh about it, one should weep! Thus

Musset wrote in an evening and lost yesterday at the Park Theatre, I thought that both - and Molière Musset - they had much in common.
Musset brothers children, Carnavalet [Portrait of Paul and Alfred de Musset Dufaut painted in 1815]: [press photography] / [Agence Rol]
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France

At fifteen I learned Lake by heart, before the profound disappointment of discovering that Lamartine, far from rushing into the Lake of Bourget after the death of Elvira, died very old, destitute, having buried his wife and children. And I liked Musset: at least, he was a true romantic ... I loved the heightened feelings: I preferred May Night than December and Willow to Venice ... But they, Lamartine and the pelican who opened the door of poetry with them is made.
And then, time has passed: Musset, I read it (especially the theater, moreover, that I always saw him play with happiness) I taught (my students love playing Perdican, Camille or Rosetta), I returned in every sense of the analysis more or less convincing fashion by methodological point, the point that I do not always pay attention to what the author told me yesterday ...
, so I was at the theater: The vagaries of Marianne first: we know the story: Marianne, wife of a greybeard, is loved by Coelio a melancholy young man, Octave, libertine cousin's husband, serves as an intermediary: Marianne prefers Octavius, husband kills Coelio!
picture on the site of the Theatre Royal Park

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Community Service Hours Completed Letter Sample

For behold the day cometh

Coverage on site editions 10-18
Gilles Bayonne (which was already encountered in A devil dog ) chomping at the bit in the Paris of the early reign of Henry IV, while the war raged elsewhere . It requires that the chancellor. He eventually compel by force the Cavalry to undertake a dual investigation into the "Valley of Misery", the neighborhood butcher shop and the Grand Chatelet, nicknamed so because of the passage of beasts that would end their life on the streets of pelting. (Watch site devoted to this area in the middle ages)
one side of mysterious flights: Most of the artisans and shopkeepers have been stripped: the coffers have been emptied, yet nobody seems to be in or out ! The thieves knew their business, places and habits of the house.
In another, a horrible crime: Vuillard's father, pastor of the parish was found eaten alive by rats in a barrel cellar. For days, he barricaded himself every night, had hired a porter ... and yet the killer entered and left without leaving any trace!
short, it looks very much like the devilry or intervention of ghosts!
To complete his quest, Gilles facing the minions of the Chancellor, the commissioners of the Chatelet jealous of their prerogatives, the parish council suspicious, the general distrust of the local residents but also his brother's ghost that haunts him. Fortunately, he can count on Pic-moon, the little pickpocket it sought and who has demonstrated an inventiveness that's not safe!
So, a more historical detective story, which leads us into this district of Paris, including Jean-Francois Parot was also part of several chapters of Honor Sartine, last volume to date of the adventures of Nicolas Le Floch Commissioner Chatelet nearly 200 years later.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Answer To Shark Tooth Island Combination

The Sounds of Einstein Alex Rovira and Francesc Miralles

Einstein 1st Congress of Physics Solvay in Brussels in 1911 (site of the University of Nancy)

Javier Costa is a science reporter at a radio station in Barcelona, his job is to prepare for interviews conducted by others. One day he is called at short notice to replace a participant in a debate on a new book about Einstein. Having put in difficulty the author, he is sidelined, but receives a mysterious invitation from a listener to travel to Cadaques, where Einstein spent some time in his lifetime and the postcard ends with "Yes, there there is an ultimate answer. " Here it is, in the company of a beautiful young woman, a Polish scientist unpleasant and a Hungarian amateur parapsychology at a Japanese preparing a biography of the physicist, each received the same postcard invitation. But the day after this strange meeting where it was discussed by Einstein and his family life, Costa, returning to Barcelona, realizes he forgot his notebook in Japanese, it teaches that was assassinated and received a proposal to continue the biography begun, with a high salary. Distressed at the idea that the police search, he left Spain for Switzerland in the footsteps of Einstein's illegitimate daughter.

How about this novel that I got through the operation "critical mass" of Babelio network, whom I thank here?

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Makakig A Poster On Power Ponit2010

Mathias Enard yet ...

Mathias Enard made headlines in 2010 with his novel Tell them about battles, kings and elephants and rightly so, even if I expressed some reservations here. Many of my friends
bloggers - I invite you to read the letters - have talked a lot about the year ahead and give it to the foreground. That's why I pointed out some quick online resources that will enable everyone to discover the author and her novels or to rediscover:
  • Magazine Interlignes of Curiosphère TV has posted a series of video interviews which will delight fans (other interviews are also in line with E. Abecassis, A. Mabanckou, J. Echenoz ...); texts are available in pdf on the site.
  • Telerama has challenged some authors that marked the literary season 2010:
"We need to know. This is the secret of happiness," said Anatole France. To celebrate the entry in 2011, "Telerama" proposed seven authors to imagine a text on the theme of the gift.
Today, Sunday, Jan. 9, it's the turn of Mathias Enard who titled his text "The last charge of the Don Cossacks," to read on the site ...
Illustration of the text on the site Telerama

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Brown Discharge And Smelly

Man worried about Henning Mankell

Here's the last survey Wallander - at least that's what we told the author and Conan Doyle had done the same precipitating Sherlock Holmes at Reichenbach Falls and also Pierre Magnan about Laviolette in Mourning Becomes Laviolette, yet I tend to believe that Wallander actually not coming back. So here
grandfather Linda started in with a brilliant banker, came from a noble family of soldiers and, somewhat reluctantly, his father met. Håkan von Hencke he seems uneasy when he talks about his career Marine and confrontation-old nearly 30 years of his submarine with the Russians. A man also seems to watch him in the street ...
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