Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Install Flexwatt Heat Tape

time charts

Library of Beloeil Castle
Magazine Read has, like every year, published its "20 best books of the year" to my great shame and unlike other years, I have not read, or worse, there I have never heard of, whose author is a complete stranger ...
No. 1: Hammerstein or intransigence. A history of German Hans Magnus Enzensberger

The newspaper Le Soir did the same: it is a compilation of opinions of various journalists in the literary section and I confess that I found myself a little better .
No. 1: CosmoZ Claro I already had in hand several times and I think I am tempted to back ... And

Pierre Maury, one of the journalists of this newspaper whose blog is worth seeing As I have already also reported is also expanding into the exercise with the same result: Claro No. 1
No Houellebecq in list: I thought so ... but Olivier Rollin, Philippe Forest, Caroline De Mulder, Paul Verhaeghen , Omega Minor (same remark as Claro's novel), Jonathan Coe ...

Blog-o-book (who plays Santa Claus every Sunday offering novels bloggers) offers his top 3: 1. Sukkwan Island David Vann, 2. The Confident Helen Grémillon tied with Purge Sofi Oksanen, 3. The extraordinary lives of Eugene Isabelle Monnin tied with Candida Rosa Audur of Ava and Olafsdottir A stake in the snow by Susan Fletcher. All tickets reviews are available on the blog.

For my part, I would have struggled to make any list, just as I am unable to choose books to take on a desert island, except for Proust, of course ...


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