Friday, December 31, 2010

When Do You Get Dry Before Your Period?

Happy New Year 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Install Flexwatt Heat Tape

time charts

Library of Beloeil Castle
Magazine Read has, like every year, published its "20 best books of the year" to my great shame and unlike other years, I have not read, or worse, there I have never heard of, whose author is a complete stranger ...
No. 1: Hammerstein or intransigence. A history of German Hans Magnus Enzensberger

The newspaper Le Soir did the same: it is a compilation of opinions of various journalists in the literary section and I confess that I found myself a little better .
No. 1: CosmoZ Claro I already had in hand several times and I think I am tempted to back ... And

Pierre Maury, one of the journalists of this newspaper whose blog is worth seeing As I have already also reported is also expanding into the exercise with the same result: Claro No. 1
No Houellebecq in list: I thought so ... but Olivier Rollin, Philippe Forest, Caroline De Mulder, Paul Verhaeghen , Omega Minor (same remark as Claro's novel), Jonathan Coe ...

Blog-o-book (who plays Santa Claus every Sunday offering novels bloggers) offers his top 3: 1. Sukkwan Island David Vann, 2. The Confident Helen Grémillon tied with Purge Sofi Oksanen, 3. The extraordinary lives of Eugene Isabelle Monnin tied with Candida Rosa Audur of Ava and Olafsdottir A stake in the snow by Susan Fletcher. All tickets reviews are available on the blog.

For my part, I would have struggled to make any list, just as I am unable to choose books to take on a desert island, except for Proust, of course ...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Can Syphillis Rash Affect Face?

Days quake François Emmanuel White Christmas

We are aboard a cruise boat on a river in Africa. The passengers are the ones we imagine: the narrator, filmmaker tracking, Louis, an African who has an elegant romantic disappointment, Naginpaul English writer and obese drunkard, Livia Eleonora and sisters one of which is accompanied by her little boy, Mary, and his companion seriously ill and elderly, tourists American, one French arrogant ... and then the crew Aboriginal commander intimidated by the passengers and his second suspicious ... All these people embarked for a cruise on the old boat of the Belle Epoque:
... this map of the river in the twenties, framed in the wainscoting, captioned ROAD COUNTERTOPS, with its stream past the pretty blue vertical wave curled, and his naive medallions representing a crenellated here, there a stork in flight, there a small black man with canoe along the river towns that were piled from the mouth of Mattopara, lined up from bottom to top: Batongo, Diaguilé, Oumsara, Sassi, simple illustration of the time when trade flourished even gum arabic, millet, oil, rice, ivory, gold dust, without forgetting the past the famous "ebony". p.26

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Mount And Blade Warband Seriove číslo

So it was 46 years that each of the Belgians asked the Father Christmas a white Christmas for all countries. We finally heard and answered our wish and to be forgiven, he sent a white Christmas XXL! 45 years of snow remained restante!
So then we thought how exciting races in stores open especially for us out tonight in the family ... we are caulked at home, reluctantly reading program TV. If you're tired of the Little Singers of wood and the adaptation of the Little Prince cartoon does not convince you, you still have VOD on the site of the INA, you will find the magic programs of yesteryear, such shows of Jean-Christophe Averty, or a "dramatic" as it was then.

So Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Actress Autographs Papers

Botanical Garden in the snow

Some photos taken yesterday in Brussels

Verhaeren Snow ( Villages illusory ) ... Thus
snow goes away, In every
feel, in each corner,
Always the snow and his shroud,
Snow pale and barren, wild rags
In vagabond
For unlimited through the winter world.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Do You Buy Harry Potter Scarf In Toronto?

My Children

This return to my past as a reader was caused by a conjunction of facts (I still wonder about the notion of "coincidence" ...): I want to reread The four daughter of Dr. March after Solitude Dr March, a question posed to writers at the launch of Prices students on their first reading and the proposed launch of François Bon " a kind of collective history of our readings .
So I remembered my desire to learn to read because the adults around me
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

39 4 Pregnant Cervix Hard And Closed

reads Geraldine Brooks, March Solitude Dr

Solitude Dr. March - Geraldine Brooks

This novel by the author of the book Hannah - novel that I enjoyed as a hymn to tolerance in a first sight of metaphysical thriller (which it is not at all, I think the less) and has just been published by Pocket - received the Pulitzer Prize. It's actually her second novel after 1666 .
All the girls of my generation, generations previous and next for that matter, have read in their childhood Four Little Women : for those who do not know, this novel by Louisa May Alcot, bestseller Throughout the course, said a year in the life of a family whose father has gone to the Civil War. Meg, the daughter was under reporting, Jo, a tomboy who dreams of becoming a writer, Beth, the frail girl and a talented pianist, Amy, the youngest, spoiled, and their mother Marmee try, and somehow to sacrifice accepted with more or less enthusiasm to keep going despite financial difficulties. Abolitionists, they communicate as much as possible with Dr. March, a chaplain in the Union armies. Geraldine Brooks
in his novel proposes to bring us another perspective lacking in history, that of arms market. The first chapter shows us the Reverend March immersed in his daily exercise:
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Streaming Japan Metro Rape

Prezi you know? Xavier

Here is a small attempt, inspired by the time these days!
Press the arrow from stage to stage to advance the presentation ...