Monday, December 15, 2008

Immense Value 200 Years From Now

Why? Why climb mountains?
There are many different answers but none is complete or satisfactory. Maybe is there is no single answer, perhaps every climber there own reasons to consent to such efforts.La response can not be simple. The immense beauty of the air clear and cold, extraordinary colors, the lure of unknown regions beyond the limits of experience-trent online account. It is also the pleasure of physical fitness, pride experienced in forcing passage of stiff and hard rock, the thrill of risk, but risk controlled by technology. How to express what I believe to be the most important reason? This opportunity offered to release for a time of little problems of everyday life, to reject everything that is not essential, to penetrate to the heart of life itself. Food, shelter, friends, here is the essential point, together with faith and purpose and the solid, unyielding deter-mination.
On big mountains, the whole will focus solely on the immediate task, and the top is simply a testimony of success and worth the attempt itself. That is why we climb, and we are finding in the Simply climb some-thing greater than in the performance.
This passage MOUNTAIN WITHOUT MERCY K2, by Charles S HOUSTON, published ARTHAUD that helped a godson of Hugh to understand what could lead to its conquest of these peaks also prestigious as terrifying.


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