Monday, October 25, 2010

Ice Skating On A First Date

The cry of the whippoorwill Kjell Eriksson

The Nordic crime fiction - and especially Swedish - are distinguished, I believe it, for a denunciation of facts (which is also common in many European novels in general) but also by staging a main character rather morose, troubled, ill at
skin ... The novel follows these lines that Eriksson may now almost be considered as trademarks. The investigation by the Commissioner Ann Lindell for a crime committed in a shop, a victim like other shops in the neighborhood of depredations that agitators xenophobic attempt to attribute to young Muslim immigrants. This means that the investigation is delicate and quite a few policemen would prefer that the crime was committed by a Swedish sentimental reasons, for example. As
Lindell, recently returned from parental leave, she goes back somehow manages to rupture and trouble with ambiguous relationship with a colleague and rivalries between services.
Besides the sex of the interviewer, so nothing very original in comparison with the novels or Edwardson Mankell, to name only two authors whose pessimistic thinking has always seemed interesting.
is probably in writing that the novel stands out: is a text which parallels erupted fragments of stories that show us different players without a clear understanding that at first the relationship between these people and these stories. It took me a while to hold on to the story.
short, an enjoyable novel that is readable but does not let me print particularly striking. A good point, however
editions Gaia thriller for the quality of the model of the novel.
Thanks Bob for sending.
Interview with the author and first pages of the novel on the publisher's website .