Friday, May 11, 2007

Laura Gemser Filme Stream

==> latest news \u0026lt;== ==

WHAT is the ECM?? 've seen
The inscriptions promo for ECM 2007/2008 are ... OPEN
be found "the new and the old" topos in the program ...
To register contact Father Philip Rochas
at or email:
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full program of the year 2006/2007 ECM
available in the archives:
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ECM Last night before last mission :
RV Wednesday, June 20 the entire promo 2006/2007 as usual at 19.30.
Please bring treats to eat and drink ...
Program Mission "music festival"
June 21, 2007 on the Old Port and in the church of St. Ferreol
- 18:30 Mass parish to St. Ironwood
- 19:00 Facilities various (groups Ephata & Cephas, PA Church, tables ...)
- 19:30 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 20:15
Praise - 8:45 p.m. Launch of mission and the beginning of the concert
- 21:30 Intermission / pause / show
- 22.00 Resuming
concert - Concert ends 10:45 p.m. prayer and thanksgiving in the church
- 23:00
Storage - 23h30 Closing of the church (time requirement).
you interested in ECM
or you just want to spend a cozy time with us?
An evening barbecue awaits you!
RV Friday, June 8 from 20h00
at 63 Rue Chappe - 13004

Betty Crocker Pumpkin Spice Cookie

> evening not to miss \u0026lt;==

School Charity and Mission invites you!

the Tuesday, May 22 at 20:30

for evening for young
friendly and open to all
on Life and God ...
with skits, testimonies, Questions and answers ...

to Parish St. Giniez
31 avenue Frédéric Mistral
13008 Marseille
Mrs Roundabout Prado

Organized by youth the school of charity and mission.

There will be a welcome drink, come all!

For the ECM team,
Laurence Dufour

Beautiful Woman Squirting

Useless to present William Petit, a seminarian from the Diocese and a member of the Emmanuel Community: we welcome every Wednesday in the parish of St. Giniez. A big thank you William, for your beautiful teaching on Resurrection of Christ, and the lengthy exchange that followed. (I did not say "too long", but long-short: ok?). Ph. + Rochas

"I have therefore transmitted first importance what I also received, namely mormt that Christ for our sins according to the Scriptures, he was buried, was resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures, that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve. Then he appeared to more than 500 brethren at once - most of them remain far and some have fallen asleep - then he appeared to Jacques and to all the apostles. And last of all, it appeared to me too ... " (1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians 15, 3-8).

For Sale Watchco Omega Sm300

Meeting Wednesday, April 25 April 18 Evening

We gratefully acknowledge the brother Romaric Morin, op , the Dominican convent of Marseilles, for his talk on this theme prayer: for what and how to pray .
A nice compliment, among many others received echo: " the first time I hear a teaching on prayer that is not boring " it really did want to start praying more and better, So successful mission dear brother, and we pray ... for you to come back next year!

Ph.Rochas +

Site Dominicans of Marseille: