Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Where Can I Find A Pgh. Penguins Necktie?

Wednesday, March 14 at 19:30 Wednesday 7th

We listened to a moving and profound teaching Father Xavier Manzano on the "Sacramentum Caritatis," the treasures of the Eucharist . A big thank you for your availability during this year (3 interventions from you, to the delight of the young ECM)!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mature Knicker Clad Ladies

March at 19.30

We gratefully acknowledge the abbot Vincent de Mello (photo attached) , priest of the diocese of Paris and the community Ain Karem passage in Marseille for his very beautiful teaching on the sacrament of reconciliation . Advantage of this passage from Jude 20-21 Sandrine had received during the praise: " But you, beloved, keep building on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love God's willing to receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life . ... he discussed the relationship between this sacrament instituted by Christ and eternal life, placing it in relation to other "places" of God's mercy . We particularly appreciated his encouragement to receive this sacrament frequently forgiveness (confession) and his subtle approach of discernment between psychological and spiritual warfare fears. By this sacrament of mercy, Christ himself acts, forgive and thereby establishes a salutary distinction between the person and his sin: you do not reduce your sins, you are not your sin; you can be forgiven and freed from your sins.

==> The site of the parish St. Ferdinand des Ternes where Father de Mello was curate:
http://saintferdinanddesternes.cef.fr/Accueil/ home.html

==> The community Ain Karem brings together clergy and laity a desire for holiness and evangelism missionaries united in action and targeted support in some parishes wanting to energize their ministry. It is recognized by the diocese diocesan right of Paris. His site: http://assoc.orange.fr/communaute.ain-karem/ . But let them come with their own words:

"We felt the urgency a new evangelization for the future of the world . On the fallow fields of dechristianisation we want to go on mission in cities and rural . From house to house, building to building, squares, markets, beaches, wherever people live and suffer, we want to proclaim the kingdom of the Lord and be reborn in every churches in the country where the great liturgies massed crowds hungry for the word of God.
To get into these missions inside, we felt the limits of our commitments too partial, insufficient data in our lives. Therefore united by a common love of the Church, we draw on the riches of the liturgy and in the contemplation of the radiant humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ the source of our communion with the Church and between us in the service of evangelization . Eucharistic adoration with any meditation tender and faithful of the Church, we believe the only answer to the expectations of men "lost and without a shepherd "and contemplation, the only way for us to uphold that expectation. "
(from the Manifesto Ain Karem).

We assure you of our prayers for the Lord you enlisting many vocations!